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Project Brief

Design a user-friendly app that streamlines the food ordering process, offering a wide range of choices from multiple restaurants while ensuring a seamless and delightful user experience.

Revolutionizing Food Delivery with Multi-Restaurant Ordering

In a market saturated with food delivery applications that limit users to ordering from a single restaurant at a time, our project sets out to redefine the user experience by introducing the capability to order from multiple restaurants simultaneously. By strategically tweaking backend systems, our goal is to alleviate cognitive load and provide a seamless, efficient, and enjoyable experience for users seeking variety in their culinary choices.

A User-Centric Approach

Users familiar with existing food delivery platforms have developed a mental model based on the one-restaurant-at-a-time paradigm. To seamlessly introduce the multi-restaurant order feature, my design prioritizes maintaining the established information hierarchy. This ensures clarity, reduces cognitive load, and facilitates a smooth transition for users accustomed to traditional platforms.

Design Hierarchy

Home Screen

  • Retaining the familiar restaurant carousel displaying popular and nearby options.

  • Introducing a new section highlighting "Multi-Restaurant Experience"


Restaurant Listings

  • Each restaurant maintains its dedicated section, displaying menu highlights, ratings, and delivery times.

  • Clear distinction between single-restaurant and multi-restaurant options with an intuitive iconography system.


Cart and Checkout

  • Redesigned cart to seamlessly incorporate items from multiple restaurants.

  • Clear differentiation of items, prices, and delivery times for each selected restaurant.

  • A consolidated checkout process that ensures a smooth and transparent transaction.


Order Tracking

  • An upgraded order tracking interface providing real-time updates for each restaurant. Users can easily monitor the status of each item in their multi-restaurant order.

Final Background
Frame 8.png


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Group 865.png

Home Screen


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Restaurant Menu

Customization Option

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View Cart

Order Tracking

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